What Is Contextual Advertising? 5 Benefits Of Contextual Ads

What Is Contextual Advertising? 5 Benefits Of Contextual Ads

Wading through ad strategies to match ads perfectly with specified target audiences has been a challenge in digital advertising since its inception. Contextual advertising changes that challenge, pairing content and ads together beautifully.  

Establishing a concrete right approach to targeting content gives advertisers confidence their ads are reaching the people who care, like linking hiking gear ads with the best summer trails to explore. In this article, we’ll explore what is contextual advertising to help you build successful outcomes for every campaign.

  • What Is Contextual Advertising?
  • Contextual vs. Behavioral Targeting: What Are The Differences?
  • 5 Benefits Of Contextual Advertising
  • Contextual Advertising Example


Next Millennium helps you put the right ads in the right places.

Whether it’s helping you choose contextual advertising over behavioral advertising or how to increase a company’s revenue and ROI, programmatic advertising drives results. Learn more about programmatic advertising and how it works.

What Is Contextual Advertising?

We’ve all had oddball times reading an article about beach vacations while trying to ignore a flashing ad for downhill skis—a targeting misfire. Contextual targeting solves this. Ads appear where they logically fit. We’ll dig into how this impacts user experience and privacy as we go along, but there is a balance between ad relevance and intrusiveness. Integrating ads as a more natural browsing experience has almost a subliminal effect, like staging a home during Open Houses. Unconsciously, you replace the staged items with your things in each room. Same with beach vacations. You see yourself there, in that new swimsuit, wearing those shades if the ads are contextual.

How Does Contextual Advertising Work?

Pulling back the curtain on contextual targeting, you’ll see a sophisticated blend of AI and machine learning programs analyzing gigantic data sets for content and consumer insights. Instead of tracking third-party cookies and user behavior across multiple sites, automated systems scan webpage content, keywords, and metadata to determine the most relevant ads to display, contextual ads relevant to the site’s content.

Privacy-conscious practices in digital advertising has opened the door to targeted advertising campaigns. Learn more about Google’s Privacy Sandbox and its impact on advertisers and publishers.

Contextual Vs. Behavioral Targeting: What Are The Differences?

Comparing these targeting methods is apples to apples; only one apple is a MacIntosh apple, and the other is a Granny Smith. So, how do they differ? 

  • Contextual advertising spotlights webpage content, e.g., Rocky Mountain Getaways, and prioritizes relevant ads to display based on keywords like hiking gear or ski gear.
  • Behavioral targeting uses user information from browsing history over time, like online preferences, profiles, and behaviors. 


By aggregating this data, advertisers can create personalized ad experiences. For example, a couple consuming pet adoption content over time might start seeing ads for dog food.

The tradeoffs? Behavioral targeting requires access to consumers’ data that they may not want to opt-in to give. While contextual advertising removes the guesswork, but operates independently of user personal data and only leverages content information.

5 Benefits Of Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising can be a powerful tool for marketers. Here are some of the top reasons why:

  1. Relevant without that “big brother” feeling. Most people like to feel like they stumbled across a relevant ad rather than being tracked across platforms because of one random article read months ago.  
  2. Circumvent the privacy rules. Privacy legislation is not an issue for contextual advertising; it doesn’t rely on personal data or third-party cookies, making it a secure option for advertisers concerned about data privacy.
  3. Protecting brand reputations. No marketer likes discovering their brand has shown up on inappropriate sites. Contextual eliminates linking to damaging affiliations through keyword strategy and creates brand safety.
  4. Reduced ad fatigue. Ads are less likely to be seen as annoying or intrusive because they are shown in relevant contexts and can create a more personalized experience. 
  5. Increased engagement. A natural path to act is created because ads are relevant to the content a user is viewing, linking them to a product site or landing page to convert fully.  


No Reliance On Cookies For Ad Targeting

Websites must now adhere to cookie protocols, meaning your site must offer visitors an opportunity to accept or reject cookie use before setting any non-essential cookies, typically via an opt-in cookie banner at the top or bottom of the page. Some US states are even adopting cookie laws to protect user’s privacy. Users may still view a site but reject the cookies, interrupting the behavioral targeting opportunity. Contextual advertising bypasses this issue, making it a viable strategy for digital advertising campaigns.

Here’s everything you need to know about third-party cookies for successful audience targeting.

Enhanced Relevance To Audience

This relevance-driven approach aligns ads with the content, not the consumer’s personal data, increasing brand awareness and association while adding value to a user’s online experience. AI algorithms can analyze the text, images, and even the sentiment of web pages, pinpointing the perfect spot for relevant ads. This isn’t just keyword matching; it’s a deep understanding of content nuances. Machine learning takes it further by continuously learning and improving from each placement, making the process smarter with every ad served.

Improved User Experience

Using a tech-driven approach, AI and machine learning display contextual ads that align seamlessly to blend into the user’s content landscape. Think of it as having a personal shopper with you, pointing out something you might have missed on your own. Your experience is enhanced rather than disjointed. Like searching for NFL highlights and getting ads for tax preparation. Wouldn’t you rather get ads from a sportswear company with gear for your favorite team? No creep factor and intrusive data mining, just relevant suggestions to gear up for game day. 

Increased Click-Through Rates

When a contextually related and relevant ad is shown to an interested audience, there is a greater chance of achieving higher click-through rates (CTR) and conversions. People consume content they care about and are motivated to learn more about. If ads align with this desire, depending on where they are in the buyer journey, users are more likely to click through to research or purchase ancillary sales. A number of studies have uncovered increased CTR over other display advertising, and it’s interesting to find an IAS Study which shows how emotive ads command a 40% higher global memory within contextualized targeting versus ads without it. Brand recall, that’s a good thing.

If you want to revolutionize how you engage target audiences, ad diversification is one strategy that yields strong results!

Cost-Effective Advertising Solution

Contextual advertising is like hitting the bullseye without all the guesswork. Instead of relying on heaps of data or analyzing user behavior, ads are placed based on the content a person is already engaging with. This keeps costs in check by reducing wasted impressions and showing ads where they’re most likely to resonate. It’s efficient, and brands get more bang for their buck, while users see ads that actually make sense—win-win!

Even better, contextual ads tend to have lower CPM rates, typically around $0.05-$0.10 compared to $1-$2 for ID-based ads. Despite the lower cost, these ads can perform just as well, if not better, due to their relevance. A small boost in engagement can yield similar results, all without the expense tied to in-depth data collection. As this targeting method becomes more sophisticated, prices may rise, but for now, it’s a cost-effective strategy that works smarter, not harder.

Contextual Advertising Example

We’ve spent a few minutes looking at some of contextualized advertising’s returns to highlight its effectiveness in driving results. Now, let’s look at a real-world contextual targeting example in action featuring Next Millennium’s client-Hasbro. Hasbro had goals they were trying to meet, such as to drive brand awareness and sales. Hasbro saw significant results beyond industry benchmarks and internal expectations. Let’s take a look.

Hasbro Contextual Targeting

Hasbro achieved a 237% increase in CTR with a Next Millennium ad unit designed to drive conversions and purchase intent of their iconic Play-Doh products in the United States. Hasbro, a global leader in the children’s toy industry, faced challenges in achieving its goals with traditional advertising methods and increasing campaign ROI. 

  • With Next Millennium’s exclusive first-party data and advanced audience taxonomy, we created highly personalized, real-time audiences that drove these fantastic results.
  • Verified by third-party vendors, our audience targeting technology guaranteed precision and accuracy and ensured the ad reached the right people at the right time, with first-party data delivered directly to customized PMPs.
  • The creative team at Next Millennium crafted a visually striking brandscape that seamlessly adapts to different devices such as desktop, mobile and tablet. The video is attention-grabbing, capturing the viewer’s attention as soon as it appears on users’ screen, and ultimately driving clicks to the website.

Contextual advertising allows brands like Hasbro to reach audiences in the right moment by placing ads alongside relevant content. By aligning ad messaging with what users are already engaging with, it enhances brand visibility and drives higher engagement without relying on third-party cookies. 

Isn’t it time to find an AdTech partner who offers next-level results for advertisers and publishers?

Next Millennium’s Approach To Contextual Advertising And Programmatic Advertising

Contextual ads are a natural fit for programmatic advertising strategies, working together by delivering ads that are both highly relevant and efficiently placed. Contextual targeting ensures ads appear alongside content that matches the user’s current interests, while programmatic advertising automates the real-time bidding and placement process.  This combination allows brands to reach the right audience at the right moment, driving higher engagement, maximizing the efficiency of ad spend, and offering a privacy-friendly approach without relying on third-party data.

At Next Millennium, we work with you to connect your ads with relevant, high-quality publishers. Our proactive approach and advanced strategies will never jeopardize a brand’s reputation, reader joy, or audience fit. Maximizing every view for the best possible outcomes is what it is all about. Ready to turn your targeting challenges into opportunities for growth and success?

Book a discovery call today to learn more

Josh Isaac