6 Successful Programmatic Advertising Examples

6 Successful Programmatic Advertising Examples

Tired of underperforming ads and ho-hum ad revenue? Kickstart your next advertising campaign by exploring these top-performing programmatic advertising examples. You’ll find plenty of inspiration to take your results to the next level.

Programmatic advertising has the power to transform your digital campaigns and significantly boost your revenue. Ready to dive in? By adopting this advanced approach, you can optimize ad performance with precision targeting and real-time bidding. Take a moment to explore the benefits and how it can work for your digital strategy; then see it in action through these six programmatic advertising examples from top brands.

See why Next Millennium is the preferred programmatic partner for advertisers.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising unleashes automation on the buying and selling of digital ad space using advanced software, algorithms, and real-time data. This process, managed through Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs), allows advertisers to target ads based on demographics and behaviors, ensuring ads reach the right audience at the right time. By optimizing ad delivery, advertisers maximize ROI, while publishers benefit from more efficient sales of available ad slots, gaining access to rich media and premium brand partnerships.

Other benefits include increased ad effectiveness, real-time optimization, creative ad formats, enhanced audience engagement, and improved targeting capabilities. Want to explore further? Here’s a more comprehensive look into how programmatic advertising works.

6 Examples Of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is a powerful strategy used across industries, offering a flexible and scalable approach to optimizing campaign spend and boosting ad revenue for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging automation technologies like machine learning and AI, programmatic platforms can process vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently, delivering targeted multi-ad formats–whether native, video, display, or in-app–across thousands of sites and apps. This creates a cohesive experience tailored to your audience’s preferences, no matter the channel or device.

Now, let’s dive into six programmatic advertising examples to inspire your programmatic campaigns. These examples showcase the successful outcomes achieved by various companies partnering with Next Millennium as their AdTech partner. These client results confirm that programmatic media buying and selling is a game-changing solution for any business.

Minute Media: Added $2 Million In New Annual Ad Revenue

Minute Media is a premier digital media company with a longstanding presence that oversees a diverse portfolio of culture and sports websites—DBLTAP, Mental Floss, FanSided, 90min, The Players’ Tribune, and The Big Lead.

Opting to expand their ad monetization sources, Minute Media sought out new demand partners to: eliminate duplicating demand from their existing SSP partners; resolve compromising site speeds; and boost lagging ad revenue. They also wanted exclusive, unique demand not available on the Open Exchange.  

Next Millennium supplied this unique demand, providing Minute Media with stronger and more competitive bid density. Working directly with advertisers ensured the correct partners were bidding on the inventory, which resulted in a considerable increase in both eCPMs and Header Bidding revenue. An advanced AMP solution with cutting-edge features like Client-Side Header Bidding for monetization output from mobile devices was also implemented – without any negative impact on page speed or user experience.

And the results? 

  • Minute Media added $2 million in new annual ad revenues, translating to $180K per month, up from $20k from their previous average through new ad units. 
  • This 7% lift in ad revenue was achieved by tapping into unique demand.
  • By matching the right ads with the right audience, they increased their win rate by 11%, and have experienced higher than agreed upon advertising revenues and CPMs over time.

Discover how the power of header bidding transforms advertising inventory management, ensuring you never miss out on maximizing the value of your ad slots.

Futbin: Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) Increases In Two Months

FUTBIN is a hugely successful sports app with over 9 million downloads globally and a ranking of #99 on the App Store. The app offers a range of features for soccer enthusiasts, including access to news, player values, stats, notifications, and more. In this highly aggressive app environment, their challenge was to find a sustainable way to increase revenue without bleeding highly engaged users to competitors’ apps.

Their goals included accessing high-quality ad creatives from top global brands, maximizing in-app advertising (IAA) revenue across their US market, and intensifying competition for FUTBIN’s inventory. They wanted an easy-to-integrate programmatic advertising solution.

  • Next Millennium’s first step was to integrate its PreBid Adapter to provide FUTBIN access to exclusive campaigns not found on the Open Exchange. 
  • Acting as this direct intermediary between FUTBIN and high-value advertisers ensured that FUTBIN’s app users were only exposed to ads from the top global brands, like Nike and McDonald’s, directly through their app.

Results matter. FUTBIN’s ad-supported profit stream with Next Millennium brought:

  • An immediate 42% monthly eCPM uplift
  • Overall monthly revenue increase of over 31%
  • Significant increase in eCPM on both Android and iOS

This perfect pairing of ads with their app audience helped increase competition for each impression, driving new revenue. 


Understanding ad revenue is crucial to maximizing the profitability of your online presence. How Much Do Websites Make From Ads? Read our Ad Revenue Guide.

Kosher.com: App Generates 70% Ad ARPDAU

Kosher.com is a top-rated app centered on Kosher cooking and recipes with a strong emphasis on quality. Users from the US and Canada access recipes by chefs, articles, helpful tips, and entertaining cooking videos.

Their challenge? Finding a full-stack solution to increase ARPDAU and grow their revenue. User experience was paramount. They wanted non intrusive, user-friendly ads that didn’t detract from app usage.

  • They previously engaged a traditional AdMob SDK but spent too much time integrating and tracking ads. 
  • They also wanted to replace competitor ads with premium, high-quality ad creatives from recognized brand leaders.

Their goals: To maximize ad revenues with a partner that offered personalized support and ad management; and an easy-to-integrate programmatic advertising solution. Enter Next Millennium with its In-App SDK offering ready-made access to multiple bidders and ad campaigns exclusive to our publishers.  

When native ads replaced the MREC Ads, Kosher.com saw:

  •  An immediate 42% ARPDAU lift due to the ad format change, resulting in higher eCPM.
  • They also experienced a 71% increase in ARPDAU on Android and 69% on iOS with our In-App bidding, matching ads to their unique app audience.

In addition to improving the ad experience for their users, with Next Millennium’s expertise, Kosher.com’s app team was better positioned to focus on app development, content maintenance, and driving app growth.

Hasbro: 237% Increase In CTR With Next Tack Unit Compared To Standard Banners

Hasbro, a global leader in the children’s toy industry, faced challenges in increasing brand awareness and driving sales of its Play-Doh products in the United States through traditional advertising methods. Looking to improve overall ROI, Hasbro partnered with Next Millennium to help drive conversions and purchase intent of its iconic Play-Doh toys.

  • To turbocharge Hasbro’s Play-Doh product sales, Next Millennium created a Next Tack+ high-impact ad format crafted to effectively engage Hasbro’s target audience, parents of children aged 2-10 in the US. 
  • Next Millennium created a comprehensive programmatic advertising campaign with a visually striking brandscape and attention-grabbing video that seamlessly adapted to desktop, mobile, and tablet, driving clicks to Hasbro’s website.

Next Millennium’s programmatic solutions gave Hasbro access to exclusive premium inventory not available on the open exchange. Using our first-party data and advanced audience taxonomy created highly personalized, real-time audiences that drive results delivered directly to customized PMPs.

The campaign was wildly successful, resulting in:

  • 237% increase in CTR compared to standard IAB
  • 29+ seconds in view, the average time spent on the page
  • 93% viewability with over 100 million views
  • 54% reduction in CPC compared to retail industry standards
  • 87% completion rate demonstrating the ad’s premium placement on websites

In this programmatic advertising example, Next Millennium’s hands-on, creative strategy and innovative approach allowed Hasbro to reach its target audience uniquely and engagingly, ultimately increasing brand awareness and driving Play-Doh product sales.

Find out why diversifying ad formats yields stronger results.

McDonalds: 70k+ Customers Walked Into A Location Post Ad Campaign

McDonald’s is an iconic global brand that has been in business for almost 70 years. They partnered with Next Millennium to ignite brand awareness and drive store traffic in select regions in Washington and Maryland. The campaign was custom designed to cater to each region’s unique needs and targeted specific KPIs and audience metrics for maximum impact, including achieving maximum impact and ROI for the QSR.

The strategy:

  • A multi-pronged approach, utilizing the power of Next Tack+, Next PopTop, and Next Of- Skin+ ad units to reach audiences across desktop and mobile devices.
  • Leverage first-party contextual data and user consented data to precisely target “value shoppers” and those with a strong interest in QSRs.
  • Next Millennium’s partnership with Quorum allowed for precise tracking of campaign performance and store traffic, ensuring 100% GEO Compliance.
  • Provide consistent pacing, with full monthly delivery in each DMA, resulting in a seamless and impactful campaign experience.

The campaign netted over 70K in fooT traffic to McDonald’s stores within the targeted regions. Other astounding results include:

  • 32+ seconds in view, average time spent on page
  • 20% exceeded benchmarks in overall campaign performance
  • 80% increased brand engagement through visually stunning creative and targeted messaging
  • 27% reduction in costs to acquire new leads and customers

With Next Millennium’s programmatic expertise, McDonald’s experienced the power behind ad units that cut through the clutter and beat client benchmarks across clickthrough rate, video completion rate, and viewability.

The Daily Hodl: Net Ad Revenue Skyrockets 322% in 1 Year

The Daily Hodl is a leading site for financial news and analysis in cryptocurrency and blockchain. It was co-founded by Blake Buford, Julian Aicholz, Kai Aicholz and Laurene Williams and has over 7 million monthly visitors.

  • The Daily Hodl’s primary challenge was to achieve a significant revenue increase; however, AdSense’s 38% commission impacted their main source of income. 
  • They specifically wanted to improve revenue generation from their AMP pages, optimize page loading speed and user experience, which can lead to increased organic traffic and ad impressions, and attract new brand-name advertisers to cater to their audience. 
  • Working with their team, Next Millennium set a specific goal to increase The Daily Hodl’s revenue by 20-30%.
  • The end result was a skyrocketing 322% net ad revenue in the first year. 

Next Millennium achieved this phenomenal increase of 322% for the Daily Holdl by proactively addressing issues related to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and by optimizing loading speed and user experience. In addition, relevant brand name advertisers were identified, boosting ad revenue dramatically. The joint effort also resulted in impressive achievements in key metrics, such as Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). 

Implementing robust analytics, which emphasizes data-driven decision-making, this programmatic campaign helped the team gain valuable insights into ad performance and revenue trends and informed ongoing programmatic strategies.

Next Millennium: Optimize Your Digital Ads Or Website Ads With Our Programmatic Advertising

These programmatic advertising examples showcase the significant potential to achieve and surpass revenue targets and overarching brand goals.

  • Next Millennium believes each programmatic campaign is an opportunity to make you more money through ads and inventory that performs at record value.
  • We listen to your unique challenges, then pull the power of our team and resources to place the right ads in the right places using our sophisticated software and technologies, innovative ad formats, and exclusive partnerships. 

If you’re ready for benchmark-beating engagement and reach without the guesswork, monetize with us. Book a discovery today to discuss how you can work with us.

Josh Isaac